In 7 Tagen mische ich live animierte Computergrafik zu Experimentalmusik von Slezak4.
7 days and then its time for music and animated computer graphics! I will augment the experimental music of Slezak4 with my visuals.

Sat, 28.1.2023, 19:30, Einbaumöbel

veni, vidi … video!!


1) Slezak 4:
Andreas EICHHORN : klarinetten
Bernd OBERLINNINGER: 7-string guitar
Franz PETZO:Drums
+ Chris Ui: Visuals

2) The legendary Trio:
Elisabeth KELVIN: clarinet and saxophone
Gloria DAMIJAN: piano, toy piano and toys
Herbert LACINA: bass, konzept, organisation
silent SUPPORT: Stephanie TIETZ + Franz SRAMEK aka frantschesko

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